- Every student should bring with him/her daily the school dairy. If a pupil loses the dairy, he/she will be subjected to disciplinary action. A fine will be levied and a new dairy will have to be purchased.
- Indiscipline behaviour in the school bus will make the pupil ineligible to use school transportation.
- Care must be taken for all school property and no student should scratch or spoil the desk or chairs or damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on the walls or in any way damage things belonging to others. Damage done, even by accident, should be reported at once to the appropriate authority. Any damage done will be made good by the one who does it. Anyone who sees some things damaged should report the matter even if she/he does not know who has done it. Each class will be responsible for looking after all class property.
a) No books (other than text books or library books), magazines or papers may be brought to the school.
b) Pupils are forbidden to bring crackers, explosives and other dangerous material to school. Disciplinary action will be taken against such offenders.
c) Money should not be lent or borrowed or articles exchanged. Students are not allowed to make any collection of money for any purpose without the specific permission of the Principal. - Running, playing or shouting inside the school building and on the veranda is not allowed.
- Running, playing or shouting inside the school building and on the veranda is not allowed.
- Students are requested to speak English in the school.
- Students are expected to be in the school by 9:15 AM. Those who reach before the bell should remain in the class room and study silently. Late-comers will not be permitted to attend the school.
- No students can leave the premises during school hours except with the permission of the Principal.
- The school authorities do not hold themselves responsible for the student's loss of money, books, clothes etc. Articles found in the school premises are to be handed over to the school office.
- The school reserves to itself the right to dismiss student whose diligence or progress in studies is steadily unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students or whose guardians show little interest in the progress of their wards. Immorality, grave insubordination, contempt of authority or wilful damage to property is always a sufficient reason for immediate dismissal.
- A student who uses unfair means, and/or receives or gives assistance in any form during test will be given zero in the subject, a warning card. Repetition of the same will result in dismissal.
- Sportsman-Spirit means, among other things, right behaviour on and off the field, ability to take loss or defeat without complaint or victory without gloating, and readiness to treat one's opponents with fairness, generosity and courtesy, also team spirit and leadership, readiness to help the team play well and to sacrifice one's own narrow interests for the sake of the team, readiness to learn to be taught and to improve oneself steadily. This implies regularity in coming for practice and regular participation in the school matches.
- Students are prohibited from wearing gold / silver ornaments, costly watches to school.
- Criticism of child's teacher and the school in his/her presence should be studiously avoided because it causes the child to lose his/her respect for the teacher, with the consequent failure to learn from him. If you have a legitimate complaint, see the Principal, without fear or reprisal.
- When communicating with the principal, parents are requested to mention the name, standard and section of their wards.
- Parents are requested not to enter the class-rooms much less ask their servants to do so. All dealing with the teachers must be conducted through the principal.
- Parents are expected to sign the principal's or teacher's remark in the dairy after reading them. Failure to do this may put your child to great inconvenience.
- Withdrawal of your child from classes for mere social function is not recommended because it retards the child's progress in school & minimizes his/her respect for regular hard work with consequent failure to progress in his/her studies.
- As the medium of instruction in this school is English, the children should be helped to follow the classes easily and intelligently by a certain amount of regular English conversation at home.
- Parents are requested to take away their children within 15 minutes after the school hours.
Parents are expected to play their part by enforcing regularity and discipline and see their wards prepare their lessons daily. Politeness, courtesy of speech and conduct should be maintained while interviewing the Principal and school staff.